sâmbătă, 17 ianuarie 2009


Account holder: Eugen Irimia, Laura’s husband

Address: Irimia Laura şi Eugen:
municipiul Botoşani, Aleea Pacea, nr. 2, sc. D, et. 1, ap. 4, judeţul Botoşani, postal code 710144, Romania

Bank account (RON –Romanian banknote)
RO75 BRDE 070S V015 8650 0700

EURO: RO17 BRDE 070S V220 1974 0700

SWIFT CODE (for both accounts): BRDE ROBU

Questions and Answers

16 jan 2009
Many people called me and told me about the Form 112. I will repeat Dan Santimbreanu’s words: “this form is out of discussion because the surgery is being done in Romania, even if there are very few chances to recover without having suffered permanent collateral damages”.

Laura’s diagnosis, acoustic neurinom, is a benign tumour that can be operated, still the surgical intervention requires scrupulous carefulness achievable only with the help of very high advanced medical technology. This technology is not yet to be found in Romanian hospitals. If you don’t have the money to go abroad where you have the hope of no bad consequences, then in Romania you get to choose between death and mutilation. I think the difference between the costs is a proof: 35 000€ in Germany against 7 000€ in Romania.

When does she need the money and how much has she gathered until now are the most frequently asked questions. She needs the money as soon as possible because the tumour is quite big and the surgery cannot be postponed, especially now when Laura is feeling worse and worse every day. The surgery should be done around middle February. …I will make a confession that will probably grieve her. Yet I hope more people will understand her situation and will help her: Laura speaks very loudly, unusually loudly. When reading about the symptoms of the illness you may say that her hearing is very damaged.

In the accounts there is nothing but her children’s welfare. Today, though she vas very happy because she received a little money from some relatives, neighbours, known and unknown people. Since I began to make her story public she gathered about 6000 lei (about 1500€). It is quite much, but comparing with the sum she needs it is very little.
In conclusion, Laura doesn’t have the money for the operation to be performed not even in Romania.

Anonymous comment

15 jan 2009
In one of the days Laura received a comment in which she was asked to give her permission to publish her story on two sites. We don’t know that person, but thank you very much:

Raz wan, a good man

15 jan 2009
We got help from Razvan

“I am touching the ground”

14 jan 2009
Cristina is a biology teacher, she throws you in the fighting ring and knows how to keep you in. Today we went at the high school she teaches and we gathered a little money, constantly shaking.

Then I ran at the Theatre with the same purpose, ask “Help for Laura”. A premiere was played with the desk closed. People from the high society of the town and not only, were there. With the dearest from all of them, Mircea Dinescu, I had a short talk and I remembered his words “(…) my wings still bear me/ though I touch ground almost with my knees”. I gathered some money here too, not with the same frame of mind as at school, it was harder.

I think the week-end will be the moment to strike the first balance.


13 jan 2009
A new day of fight started like this…

13 Tuesday, lucky day

13 jan 2009
Even though I contacted Adrian Bidasca quite early in the morning, he gave his acceptance to stick the poster with “Help for Laura” in Pita supermarkets.

An employee from Apetrans got for me the acceptance of Petru Apetrei- manager director.
Georgeta Pogurschi, the director of Electrocontact High school and Viorel Grigoras (RVG) were favourable to posting the announces; the doors of other transporters were open too: Priscom and the city bus terminal.

I felt people empathising with me and this gave me courage and hope. THANK YOU!
It was a hard day, full of emotions and running. I was lucky. God help us.


12 jan 2009
Today Eugen, Laura’s husband, went to the bank an checked the account
RO75 BRDE 070S V015 8650 0700

NO MONEY. When he returned home he told Laura …”I don’t think we will make it”.

Yesterday I talked with Father Daniel, today with Traian Apetrei- “Mihai Eminescu” Theatre’s director, Lilioara Poelica- president of the Botosani Court, Adrian Toporascu- vice president of the Botosani Tribunal, Valentin Rau- director of Syndicates’ House of Culture in Botosani and Simona Costachel- director of one of BRD Societe General Bank branches and many other special people who listened to me. No matter what will happen after this meetings, I thank them.

This situations are very tough. I don’t remember writing until now that Laura has no job while her husband is a Bazaar seller. Their material fortune is an apartment for which they still have to pay the mortgage. It is extremely difficult!
So it is easy to get enthusiastic and even easier to despair.
But tomorrow is another day and we will have to face new tests.

God help us!!!

Two children’s gesture

12 jan 2009
My friends, Carmen and Florin, have to children, Amalia and Adrian, who are 8 and 6 years old. Hearing their parents talking about Laura they listened very carefully and even asked questions. So Ami and Adi decided that the little money they have in their money box will go to the sick mommy.

Diagnosis: acoustic neurinom

11 jan 2009

Laura Irimia: I wish to get well

10 jan 2009
Campaign? I think it is too much to call it like this. I just talked with many people. Since early morning , struck by the news, my ex primary school colleague Virginia, gave me a lot of ideas. Unquestionably Bogdan is a real PR and Ben had no hesitation on trying to publicise the problem. Although we don’t know each other for long, Cristina hasn’t let me talk, she knows what she has to do and set me an appointment. Carmen calls me from time to time and tells me what she solved, with who she talked to, what else she found out. At one point of the day I was so overwhelmed that i needed to take a pen and a piece of paper and write down what else I have to do.

I hope all this will bear its fruits soon, hopefully IN LESS THAN A MONTH, when the surgery has to be done.

I am happy for Laura because she solved all the administrative problems in case she will gather the money for the surgery to be done in Germany.

From all my heart, I hope I will write about a successful outcome… about all the precious people I meet.


9 jan 2009
I know that excessive display of personal information may lead to lack of credibility. Even so, Laura’s diagnosis (acoustic neurinom) is terrifying, no matter what I will go on:
Anca Gradinaru: have you gathered any money?
Laura: I don’t know, I haven’t checked, I WANT TO BE OPTIMISTIC

Laura’s e-mail laura-noroc@yahoo.com

Good luck then !!!= Noroc!!!


8 jan 2009
Lastly, I have been talking to my cousin Laura more than I did during the last 10 years. Everyone took one’s way and met only at family events, happy ones until recently.

Anca Gradinaru: you have to be strong, for your family, your husband and your two beautiful children Karina and Denis. I read on the net that one of the best clinics where others underwent this surgery and got well, is in Hanover, Germany. Unfortunately the costs are quite high, 40 000 € for the operation plus the afterwards cures’ costs. I know this might be too much but at least we could try. In Romania, the results are not that satisfactory; many of the patients died or suffered irreversible paralysis.
Laura: thank you so much for helping me, for giving me hope... for making me stronger


7 jan 2009
I have always thought it must be a torment to know that someone’s life depends, even if only in the initial stage, on an amount of money...
Now I know it is more than that, more than I can say with my words, I don’t think there is greater pain for a sick person and for her family than to find out that the surgery she must go through (somewhere on this Earth) is possible but TOO EXPENSIVE. Maybe it is not so expensive for others as it is for this concerned family. If you don’t do your best to gather that money it is like you can’t think you did everything that is humanly possible. ...it is like your feelings don’t matter, and this is inconceivable pain. Of course, God will work in everything!

Laura- when she knew how to smile


Bank account (RON –Romanian banknote) RO75 BRDE 070S V015 8650 0700
EURO: RO17 BRDE 070S V220 1974 0700