sâmbătă, 17 ianuarie 2009

Laura Irimia: I wish to get well

10 jan 2009
Campaign? I think it is too much to call it like this. I just talked with many people. Since early morning , struck by the news, my ex primary school colleague Virginia, gave me a lot of ideas. Unquestionably Bogdan is a real PR and Ben had no hesitation on trying to publicise the problem. Although we don’t know each other for long, Cristina hasn’t let me talk, she knows what she has to do and set me an appointment. Carmen calls me from time to time and tells me what she solved, with who she talked to, what else she found out. At one point of the day I was so overwhelmed that i needed to take a pen and a piece of paper and write down what else I have to do.

I hope all this will bear its fruits soon, hopefully IN LESS THAN A MONTH, when the surgery has to be done.

I am happy for Laura because she solved all the administrative problems in case she will gather the money for the surgery to be done in Germany.

From all my heart, I hope I will write about a successful outcome… about all the precious people I meet.

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