sâmbătă, 17 ianuarie 2009

“I am touching the ground”

14 jan 2009
Cristina is a biology teacher, she throws you in the fighting ring and knows how to keep you in. Today we went at the high school she teaches and we gathered a little money, constantly shaking.

Then I ran at the Theatre with the same purpose, ask “Help for Laura”. A premiere was played with the desk closed. People from the high society of the town and not only, were there. With the dearest from all of them, Mircea Dinescu, I had a short talk and I remembered his words “(…) my wings still bear me/ though I touch ground almost with my knees”. I gathered some money here too, not with the same frame of mind as at school, it was harder.

I think the week-end will be the moment to strike the first balance.

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