sâmbătă, 17 ianuarie 2009


8 jan 2009
Lastly, I have been talking to my cousin Laura more than I did during the last 10 years. Everyone took one’s way and met only at family events, happy ones until recently.

Anca Gradinaru: you have to be strong, for your family, your husband and your two beautiful children Karina and Denis. I read on the net that one of the best clinics where others underwent this surgery and got well, is in Hanover, Germany. Unfortunately the costs are quite high, 40 000 € for the operation plus the afterwards cures’ costs. I know this might be too much but at least we could try. In Romania, the results are not that satisfactory; many of the patients died or suffered irreversible paralysis.
Laura: thank you so much for helping me, for giving me hope... for making me stronger

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